Friday, May 30, 2008

Today's news...

Since the last update, we had the opportunity to have a week's vacation in Florida. We took in a few revival services in Lakeland, FL and spent lots of time relaxing. It was a great time of refreshing. While on vacation, we had computer problems and have been unable to keep the blog up to date.

Upon returning, the MRI and Cat scan appointments had been set and were completed earlier this week. This was done to verify whether or not the cancer had spread.

We went to see the oncologist (Dr. Tozer) today. He informed us that the cancer has spread to the bone, but nowhere else. It has been detected in my back and hip. He has recommended an oral chemo and "bone builder" drugs. These are to help prolong and enhance quality of life as the bone cancer is incurable. Surgery is no longer an option...

HOWEVER, man is not the one in control of my life, God is! I believe with all my heart that He has wonderful things yet to accomplish. He is not finished with me yet. I am not leaving here until I have fulfilled and experienced every plan and purpose He has for me.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Day 174 Another Turn in the Road

Radiation treatments are completed now. No more daily trips to Hamilton!!! The team of individuals who have worked with me at the Juravinski Centre are incredible.

Bone scan results came back this week and are very suspicious. I have been referred back to the Medical Oncologist. Scott and I went to see him on Friday. Because the results are not definite enough, I will be booked for CT scan and MRI over the next 2 or 3 weeks. Surgery, which was scheduled for May 30, has again been postponed. Interesting how surgery keeps getting postponed, eh? I commented to Scott on Friday, as we made our way to Hamilton, that the words we hear the doctor speak are words spoken from human understanding but there is One who alone knows exactly what is going on and what is about to unfold. I rest securely in the hands of my omniscient (all-knowing) and omnipotent (all-powerful) God.

Friday, May 2, 2008


We had a great time last Saturday evening. It was wonderful to see so many, both longtime friends and those we have met recently. We enjoyed a delicious prime rib dinner and then more people joined us for a musical concert followed by a dessert buffet. Unfortunately we were not able to speak with everyone but appreciated everyone who was able to be there.

The concert began with a sing-along of well known love songs led by Paul at the piano. Special numbers were performed by Paul, Mary, Fran, Tim and Ellie. Paul, Johnny, Joel and Steve formed a live band. Tedra wrote and performed a very special song for us. Scott surprised me when he also sang. There were a few wet eyes when he sang a love song to me -"You Light Up My Life".

We are very appreciative of everyone who has been so supportive. A special thank you to those who planned and organized such a beautiful evening and to those who were able to attend.

On another note - radiation treatments are nearly over - only three more next week. My skin has done very well. It has only recently had the "sun burn" affect. Also, concerning the back pain - Wednesday, I had a bone scan and x-rays. Bone scan results will not be in until next week, but x-rays indicate that the back pain is due to disc degeneration NOT from cancer.

I am so blessed...I have wonderful family and friends and a wonderful wonderful Lord.