Monday, October 6, 2008

First Anniversary

Happy Anniversary Tedra & Jesse
We love you!

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

2 months...

Today marks 2 months since mom died. This song puts feelings into words when words are so few...

"Homesick" - Mercy Me

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Our newest joy...


Saturday August 16, 2008 @ 7:00am
Weight: 8lbs 5ozs
Length: 20 inches

Proud Papa

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Memories of grandma

**written & read by Mikaela at mom's funeral**

Dear grandma

You are one of the best grandmas I could ever ask for.

We always like colouring and I love playing board games with you.

Your favourite game was Rummikub.

I like going to the park with you.

We always like cuddling.

When I feel sad, you would always give me a hug and talk to me about it.

When I found out you had cancer, it was the saddest thing I could think about.

But now you're in heaven and have no more pain.

You're with your mommy and daddy now and more importantly you're with Jesus.

I want you to know I'm missing you.

But most of all I love you.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

She is free...

It is with great sadness that we inform you that mom passed away at 1:19PM today. Funeral arrangements are as follows:

Public Visitation

Sunday, August 3rd, 7-9PM

Monday, August 4th, 2-4PM & 7-9PM

Dennis Toll Funeral Home
55 Charing Cross Street
Brantford, Ontario N3R 2H4
Phone (519) 753-8655

Celebration Service

Tuesday, August 5th, 1PM
(Additional visitation at Noon)

New Covenant Christian Fellowship
22 Holiday Drive
Brantford, Ontario N3R 7J4
Phone (519) 753-4549

(More information available on Friday, August 1st in the
Brantford Expositor)


Monday, July 28, 2008

Hospital update

Mom's health has taken a turn for the worse. Our family was called in this morning. Thanks to my "connections", the hospital has been gracious enough to give us access to the internet so I can update the blog. My hope is to read mom the comments you leave for her, so feel free to leave messages here.

Please continue to lift her up in prayer. We thank the MANY of you who have been fasting and praying already over the last few days. Your love and support has meant so much to mom and to our family! Many blessings to you.

The Bacon family

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Prayer & Fasting

The last few days have been a whirlwind, so I will quickly try to bring everyone up to speed...

Wednesday afternoon, the Pain management team (from Brantford) made a house call to see my mom. They reviewed her meds and made some changes. They also determined that there were numerous adjustments that needed to be made at home (ie - getting a hospital bed for her to use) to make things easier and more comfortable for her.

By Friday evening, mom's pain became out of control and so she was brought up to the hospital early this morning. They decided to admit her for a few days to get the pain back under control and to run a few tests. As of this evening, she is resting comfortably but is exhausted from a long and painful day. Her attitude continues to be encouraging as she trusts that God has everything figured out and that He knows the plans he has for her...plans to prosper her, not to harm her...plans to give her a hope and a future!!! (Jer 29:11).

A number of people have felt an urgency to make tomorrow (Sunday) through Monday a time of prayer and fasting specifically for mom. If you are led to do so, please feel free to join the many others who are setting this time aside to pray for mom's healing. We thank you so much...your prayers are always felt and help strengthen us day to day!

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

When the storm rages on...

The appointment with the oncologist went well on Friday. Since mom will not be receiving any more chemo, she will no longer be seeing the oncologist and instead will continue to see the doctor from the pain management team at Juravinski.

Mom struggled with a lot of pain this past weekend. Her pain meds were increased again and we were finally able to get it somewhat under control for a few days.

Today however, she has experienced an increase in pain...again.
The pain is now radiating into her left hip and today she is finding it unbearable. It is getting difficult for her to move around the house. She is weak and is having to rely on us more for assistance.

This summer we have had our fair share of rain and some friends have even had exciting storm experiences. Storms are often dark, noisy, blinding, frightening and sometimes even violent and messy. But, with the storm comes the rain. It's interesting to watch as a dry and barren earth can respond to just a brief moment of refreshing rain.

Amidst the storms we encounter in life, God wants us to experience His rain. We can find provision in the rain, peace in the rain, strength in the rain, healing in the rain...we can find EVERYTHING we need in the rain. God, rain on us today!!!

We're watching for rain mom...

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Transfusion day

Today mom's day started earlier than usual. She had to be to the hospital at 8:30am for her blood transfusion. She woke up this morning feeling the best she has in a long time. She even commented to my dad "if only I could wake up feeling this way every morning! ..."

I joined mom at the hospital around noon and stayed with her until the transfusion was complete. The nurses told her that she would most likely notice a difference over the next few days. She should become less tired and will regain some strength. Already by the time I saw her, some colour was beginning to return to her face and cheeks. The blood transfusion lasted until just after 1:00pm and went as expected. Thank you for your prayers! The day went well and mom went home for a well deserved nap.

Tonight, Mikaela and I stopped by to check in on mom. She had finished her nap and was feeling pretty good. After supper [By the way - thank you to the countless number of people who have brought meals to mom & dad over the last number of months! It has been such a blessing to them!], she felt well enough to go with us for a visit to see my grandfather at the nursing home. Trips outside the house have been few in recent weeks (other than hospital/doctor appointments) so she welcomed the chance to get out while the getting was good. The visit to see my grandfather was short, but enjoyable for both him and my mom.

Tomorrow (Friday), mom has another appointment at Juravinski to follow up with her oncologist. Then she'll have the weekend to relax and recover from a couple of busy days.

One last thing....
Thank you for the many encouraging words, prayers and various ways so many of you have supported mom and the rest of our family during this trying time. God continues to be so faithful and strengthens us day to day. We continue to hold on to His promises for life, healing, strength, peace, comfort and EVERYTHING we ever need we can find in His name!