Monday, October 6, 2008

First Anniversary

Happy Anniversary Tedra & Jesse
We love you!

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

2 months...

Today marks 2 months since mom died. This song puts feelings into words when words are so few...

"Homesick" - Mercy Me

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Our newest joy...


Saturday August 16, 2008 @ 7:00am
Weight: 8lbs 5ozs
Length: 20 inches

Proud Papa

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Memories of grandma

**written & read by Mikaela at mom's funeral**

Dear grandma

You are one of the best grandmas I could ever ask for.

We always like colouring and I love playing board games with you.

Your favourite game was Rummikub.

I like going to the park with you.

We always like cuddling.

When I feel sad, you would always give me a hug and talk to me about it.

When I found out you had cancer, it was the saddest thing I could think about.

But now you're in heaven and have no more pain.

You're with your mommy and daddy now and more importantly you're with Jesus.

I want you to know I'm missing you.

But most of all I love you.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

She is free...

It is with great sadness that we inform you that mom passed away at 1:19PM today. Funeral arrangements are as follows:

Public Visitation

Sunday, August 3rd, 7-9PM

Monday, August 4th, 2-4PM & 7-9PM

Dennis Toll Funeral Home
55 Charing Cross Street
Brantford, Ontario N3R 2H4
Phone (519) 753-8655

Celebration Service

Tuesday, August 5th, 1PM
(Additional visitation at Noon)

New Covenant Christian Fellowship
22 Holiday Drive
Brantford, Ontario N3R 7J4
Phone (519) 753-4549

(More information available on Friday, August 1st in the
Brantford Expositor)


Monday, July 28, 2008

Hospital update

Mom's health has taken a turn for the worse. Our family was called in this morning. Thanks to my "connections", the hospital has been gracious enough to give us access to the internet so I can update the blog. My hope is to read mom the comments you leave for her, so feel free to leave messages here.

Please continue to lift her up in prayer. We thank the MANY of you who have been fasting and praying already over the last few days. Your love and support has meant so much to mom and to our family! Many blessings to you.

The Bacon family

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Prayer & Fasting

The last few days have been a whirlwind, so I will quickly try to bring everyone up to speed...

Wednesday afternoon, the Pain management team (from Brantford) made a house call to see my mom. They reviewed her meds and made some changes. They also determined that there were numerous adjustments that needed to be made at home (ie - getting a hospital bed for her to use) to make things easier and more comfortable for her.

By Friday evening, mom's pain became out of control and so she was brought up to the hospital early this morning. They decided to admit her for a few days to get the pain back under control and to run a few tests. As of this evening, she is resting comfortably but is exhausted from a long and painful day. Her attitude continues to be encouraging as she trusts that God has everything figured out and that He knows the plans he has for her...plans to prosper her, not to harm her...plans to give her a hope and a future!!! (Jer 29:11).

A number of people have felt an urgency to make tomorrow (Sunday) through Monday a time of prayer and fasting specifically for mom. If you are led to do so, please feel free to join the many others who are setting this time aside to pray for mom's healing. We thank you so much...your prayers are always felt and help strengthen us day to day!

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

When the storm rages on...

The appointment with the oncologist went well on Friday. Since mom will not be receiving any more chemo, she will no longer be seeing the oncologist and instead will continue to see the doctor from the pain management team at Juravinski.

Mom struggled with a lot of pain this past weekend. Her pain meds were increased again and we were finally able to get it somewhat under control for a few days.

Today however, she has experienced an increase in pain...again.
The pain is now radiating into her left hip and today she is finding it unbearable. It is getting difficult for her to move around the house. She is weak and is having to rely on us more for assistance.

This summer we have had our fair share of rain and some friends have even had exciting storm experiences. Storms are often dark, noisy, blinding, frightening and sometimes even violent and messy. But, with the storm comes the rain. It's interesting to watch as a dry and barren earth can respond to just a brief moment of refreshing rain.

Amidst the storms we encounter in life, God wants us to experience His rain. We can find provision in the rain, peace in the rain, strength in the rain, healing in the rain...we can find EVERYTHING we need in the rain. God, rain on us today!!!

We're watching for rain mom...

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Transfusion day

Today mom's day started earlier than usual. She had to be to the hospital at 8:30am for her blood transfusion. She woke up this morning feeling the best she has in a long time. She even commented to my dad "if only I could wake up feeling this way every morning! ..."

I joined mom at the hospital around noon and stayed with her until the transfusion was complete. The nurses told her that she would most likely notice a difference over the next few days. She should become less tired and will regain some strength. Already by the time I saw her, some colour was beginning to return to her face and cheeks. The blood transfusion lasted until just after 1:00pm and went as expected. Thank you for your prayers! The day went well and mom went home for a well deserved nap.

Tonight, Mikaela and I stopped by to check in on mom. She had finished her nap and was feeling pretty good. After supper [By the way - thank you to the countless number of people who have brought meals to mom & dad over the last number of months! It has been such a blessing to them!], she felt well enough to go with us for a visit to see my grandfather at the nursing home. Trips outside the house have been few in recent weeks (other than hospital/doctor appointments) so she welcomed the chance to get out while the getting was good. The visit to see my grandfather was short, but enjoyable for both him and my mom.

Tomorrow (Friday), mom has another appointment at Juravinski to follow up with her oncologist. Then she'll have the weekend to relax and recover from a couple of busy days.

One last thing....
Thank you for the many encouraging words, prayers and various ways so many of you have supported mom and the rest of our family during this trying time. God continues to be so faithful and strengthens us day to day. We continue to hold on to His promises for life, healing, strength, peace, comfort and EVERYTHING we ever need we can find in His name!

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Catch up time...

Many of you have been looking for an update - I apologize for not posting one sooner. Mom hasn't had the energy to do much of anything, other than sleep :-) So, I'll do my best to fill in the details of the last couple of weeks...

The cancer that has spread to mom's hip and lower back (metastatic disease) is causing her a great amount of pain. She has spent the last few weeks adjusting and readjusting her meds trying to get some comfort and relief. We take turns heating up her two trusty beanbags that she keeps on her hip and leg which also bring some comfort. The pain continues to increase every few days which then means another readjustment to her meds. Last week, she had an appointment with the pain management control team from Juravinski. They re-evaluated her pain level and made some new adjustments to her drug regimen. This seems to have helped somewhat, but her pain still continues to be uncontrolled at times. There is no "cure" for metastatic disease. The only thing that can been offered to her are drugs to help prolong and enhance her quality of life.

Mom has also been very pale and tired. Some of this can be attributed to the pain medication she has been taking, but after some blood work they've discovered that her hemoglobin is low. This means she needs a blood transfusion. Today she went to the hospital for the preliminary appointment. She will be receiving the blood transfusion tomorrow (Thursday) which will take most of the day. Please remember her in prayer during that time.

It is difficult watching a wife, mother, grandmother, family member and friend suffer. And yet, her unwavering faith and confidence in a God who loves her more than any of us can, encourages us to press forward and trust the One who holds her safely in the palm of His hand. Mom continues to allow God to lead and guide her in EVERY decision she makes and holds firm to the hope in her Lord and Saviour, Jesus.

Please do not hesitate to ask us any questions you may have. We will do our best to reply to them :-)

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Moving forward...

Thank you for the wonderful prayer support. As I was struggling so much with the pain Thursday morning, it suddenly occured to me that I was failing to use one of the greatest assets available to me...the body of which I am a part.

Part of the learning experience for me has been how important the whole body (regardless of our background) is. WE NEED EACH OTHER!!!

Currently, I have a few "tools" to work with. I had a good night last night and this morning was the best morning I have had in some time. This weekend, I continue to experiment to find the best solution.

I certainly long for the moment I am released from this challenging season. In the "fullness of time", God WILL reveal His glory!

Thursday, June 26, 2008


I really need your prayer support right now. I am struggling to keep pain under control. I have been on 3 different medications over the past week and nothing quite works. Please pray with me for divine intervention.

Friday, May 30, 2008

Today's news...

Since the last update, we had the opportunity to have a week's vacation in Florida. We took in a few revival services in Lakeland, FL and spent lots of time relaxing. It was a great time of refreshing. While on vacation, we had computer problems and have been unable to keep the blog up to date.

Upon returning, the MRI and Cat scan appointments had been set and were completed earlier this week. This was done to verify whether or not the cancer had spread.

We went to see the oncologist (Dr. Tozer) today. He informed us that the cancer has spread to the bone, but nowhere else. It has been detected in my back and hip. He has recommended an oral chemo and "bone builder" drugs. These are to help prolong and enhance quality of life as the bone cancer is incurable. Surgery is no longer an option...

HOWEVER, man is not the one in control of my life, God is! I believe with all my heart that He has wonderful things yet to accomplish. He is not finished with me yet. I am not leaving here until I have fulfilled and experienced every plan and purpose He has for me.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Day 174 Another Turn in the Road

Radiation treatments are completed now. No more daily trips to Hamilton!!! The team of individuals who have worked with me at the Juravinski Centre are incredible.

Bone scan results came back this week and are very suspicious. I have been referred back to the Medical Oncologist. Scott and I went to see him on Friday. Because the results are not definite enough, I will be booked for CT scan and MRI over the next 2 or 3 weeks. Surgery, which was scheduled for May 30, has again been postponed. Interesting how surgery keeps getting postponed, eh? I commented to Scott on Friday, as we made our way to Hamilton, that the words we hear the doctor speak are words spoken from human understanding but there is One who alone knows exactly what is going on and what is about to unfold. I rest securely in the hands of my omniscient (all-knowing) and omnipotent (all-powerful) God.

Friday, May 2, 2008


We had a great time last Saturday evening. It was wonderful to see so many, both longtime friends and those we have met recently. We enjoyed a delicious prime rib dinner and then more people joined us for a musical concert followed by a dessert buffet. Unfortunately we were not able to speak with everyone but appreciated everyone who was able to be there.

The concert began with a sing-along of well known love songs led by Paul at the piano. Special numbers were performed by Paul, Mary, Fran, Tim and Ellie. Paul, Johnny, Joel and Steve formed a live band. Tedra wrote and performed a very special song for us. Scott surprised me when he also sang. There were a few wet eyes when he sang a love song to me -"You Light Up My Life".

We are very appreciative of everyone who has been so supportive. A special thank you to those who planned and organized such a beautiful evening and to those who were able to attend.

On another note - radiation treatments are nearly over - only three more next week. My skin has done very well. It has only recently had the "sun burn" affect. Also, concerning the back pain - Wednesday, I had a bone scan and x-rays. Bone scan results will not be in until next week, but x-rays indicate that the back pain is due to disc degeneration NOT from cancer.

I am so blessed...I have wonderful family and friends and a wonderful wonderful Lord.

Friday, April 25, 2008

DAY 158

I have now begun the fourth week of radiation. Eight more trips for treatments. Radiation is definitely easier to take than chemo was. The main side effect so far is tiredness but that seems pretty normal :-) and a little bit of tenderness. I have been having trouble with back pain. It may be from lying on my back on a hard surface for the treatments. They are planning to do some x-rays to check it out. (Just what I need - more radiation. They have assured me I won't begin to glow in the dark. :-) )

It amazes me how faithful and good you are to continue to check out how I am doing, to continue to pray for me and to encourage me through gifts, cards and words. Treatments began 22 weeks ago. We didn't know how the journey would go then . . . nor do we now, but God is true to His word and I am grateful for His strength and many other benefits each day.

Psalm 103
1 Bless the LORD, O my soul;
And all that is within me, bless His holy name!
2 Bless the LORD, O my soul,
And forget not all His benefits:
3 Who forgives all your iniquities,
Who heals all your diseases,
4 Who redeems your life from destruction,
Who crowns you with lovingkindness and tender mercies,
5 Who satisfies your mouth with good things,
So that your youth is renewed like the eagle’s.

Friday, April 11, 2008

DAY 144


Last week I was looking in the mirror and after very close scrutiny I discovered "peach fuzz" (aka hair) covering the top of my head. It's about 1/8 " long now. If you look carefully you will be able to see tiny, very fine lashes framing my eyelids. I can't see them yet, but Scott assures me that eye brows are also beginning to form. I AM SOOOO EXCITED! :)

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Event Reminder...

"An evening of love songs for Scott and Joy" - Saturday, April 26th - is quickly approaching!

Just a reminder that all dinner tickets MUST be purchased by next Sunday, April 13th. If you are planning to attend, and haven't already done so, please call one of the contacts this week to purchase your ticket! (see info here)

Thank you to so many of you who have already shown an interest in attending. We're looking forward to honouring Scott & Joy with each of you!

Thank you for your support!
Friends & Family

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

DAY 141

Last Thursday, April 03, I began receiving radiation treatments. They are expected to continue every Monday to Friday for five weeks. Radiation is given in Hamilton at the Juravinski Centre. Yesterday I had a new driver. My brother, Keith and his wife, Shirley, took me down - a nice break for Scott. Thanks Shirley and Keith.

Positioning me for radiation takes about 10 minutes. They are very precise. A little tug of the sheet here, then there, etc. until everything is perfectly lined up. Then I must not move for the next 15 minutes or so or they will have to start all over again. No side effects are expected until after the first week.

This weekend I received a prayer quilt from Bethel Reformed Church. The ladies knit or crochet squares that are joined together. Pieces of yarn and ribbon are tied on to the quilt. Each knot represents a prayer made on my behalf. As others come and pray, I have them tie a knot as well. Imagine if I could have each of you who are praying for me come and tie a knot! What a wonderful reminder of the love that makes us all one and the privilege we have of supporting each other in prayer.

Please pray for our granddaughter, Mikaela, as well. She has been battling a fever for over two weeks. She was admitted to hospital last Thursday and Friday in order that numerous tests could be done. The results confirmed what is NOT wrong but were inconclusive as to the cause of the fever spikes.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Pre-surgery day?

Today mom went to the Juravinski centre to meet with Dr. Whelan, the radiation oncologist. After speaking with Dr. Liaconis, mom's surgeon, they concluded that surgery is NOT an option at this time. In just a few days, the tumor has grown back to the size it was prior to chemo. This is not a typical response after chemo. (Mom says that's because she's an exceptional woman - I have to agree!) Instead, they are hoping to begin radiation treatments next week.

Mom and dad had to stick around Juravinski for the afternoon for preparations for radiation. After numerous Cat scans, repositionings and X-marker spots she now possesses not ONE but FOUR new tatoos!!! (we always knew she had a little rebel in her!) She will be scheduled for an information class in the next few days and they hope to begin radiation treatments some time next week...yet to be determined. For now, all we know is that they expect the treatments to last 5 days a week for 5 weeks, possibly more. All of this is pure speculation as they do not know how she will respond to the treatments.

So for now, we rest assured that God is in control and only HE knows the future. Although this path may not have been one that we anticiptated, God will still use all of it for His glory. He has written the book with our life story. Every chapter, every paragraph, every sentence He wrote. It comes together creating beautiful poetry, pointing to the awesomeness of our Saviour!

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

DAY 111 - 128

Well - life continues to be interesting.

Though I feel quite well and am able to get out and about more, regaining my strength seems to lag behind. It doesn't take long for the knees to get wobbly. BUT it feels good to feel good and to be able to be more social.

The weekend prior to Easter, Scott and I went to Orillia and enjoyed a couple of days with Tedra and Jesse. Sunday, we had a wonderful dinner with Jesse's family (and one of Tedra's special desserts). We were able to attend church with them as well. We enjoyed the time at Hope Christian Community Church. It was nice to meet some of the people from there who have been praying for us.

Easter weekend, Tedra and Jesse were home. We had good family time, food and fun.

Life also continues to be unpredictable.

The weekend that we were at Tedra's, I developed a rash. A visit to the doctor the Thursday before Good Friday caused him some concern. However, surgery was scheduled in a few days so I was to keep an eye on it and advise him if there were any other concerns. Within a few days, the cancerous area appeared to have blossomed again, becoming hard, tender and quite large.

A visit to his office today (Wednesday) has resulted in a possible hold on surgery scheduled for Friday and a visit tomorrow to the Juravinski Centre.

The growth caught me by surprise, but it was no surprise to the One who holds the future in His hands - the One who knows the number of hairs missing from my head! :-) He remains my hope and my help.

I owe so many "thank yous" to many of you but please know that not one word or act of kindness has gone unnoticed or unappreciated. Each one has been a blessing and an encouragement to us.

We cherish your continued prayers as we wait to see what lies ahead. My prayer is that above all the Lord will be glorified. He is so good!

Sunday, March 16, 2008


In honour of Pastor Scott and Joy Bacon. Please join with friends and family on Saturday April 26th, 2008 to show your love, support and appreciation for a couple who have touched the lives of many!

For tickets and information, please contact one of the names listed on the poster above (click on image to enlarge).

Hope to see you there!
Friends and Family of Scott & Joy

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Day 103 - Day 110

Well, it's been 10 days since my final chemo treatment and my strength and energy are slowly beginning to increase.

Yesterday, was my final Neupogen injection. We celebrated with a late lunch at "My Thai". Scott also took me shopping for shoes and some cards. It didn't take long for me to start feeling a little wobbly. It's amazing how much we take for granted the strength to do simple, everyday tasks.

This past Wednesday was my appointment with the surgeon, Dr. Liaconis. Surgery is scheduled for March 28. The next three weeks are to give opportunity to somewhat recuperate from the chemo - blood counts to rise, body regain strength.

I have to admit I'm cautiously anticipating the next couple of weeks - no chemo, no dexamethasone (steroid), no needles, no appointments in Hamilton.

I'm hoping I will soon be able to eat the foods I have had to avoid while on chemo. Don't know how long it takes for food to taste normal, but at least I can tolerate most foods.

I am also looking forward to seeing people more often though I have to admit, as much as I love talking, conversation is energy-draining. One of those things we take for granted when we're well!

Again I find I have to keep my focus on today. I have already caught myself with unrealistic expectations for tomorrow.

No amusing stories to tell on myself (yet, anyway). My wig has stayed in place and, Diane, you'll be happy to know I haven't had any more fries (yet! :-))

Well, our journey continues. Thanks for travelling with me.

Friday, February 29, 2008

Day 88 - 102


Wednesday, Feb. 27, was my last chemo treatment. Andrea drove me to Hamilton and took a few pictures. The procedure passed uneventfully. I dozed off as usual and upon returning home, slept much of the rest of the day.

Thursday morning, I took advantage of a reasonable amount of energy to prepare things for supper and do a little minor cleaning. Typically my strength erodes as the day goes on and over the next few days.

There is a little evidence of some nerve damaged from the previous taxol treatment so I am praying that there will be no further side effects and that the current symptoms are temporary.

I am scheduled to see the surgeon next Wednesday, March 05. Dr. Gudelis, who will be my "follow-up" oncologist feels that the little bit of hardness left in my breast is probably scar tissue - dead cancer cells. Only pathology following surgery can confirm whether cancer sells still exist. Tentatively, surgery is scheduled for March 28. I will know more details after March 05. The Lord may intervene in the meantime!

Tedra and Jesse were down for the weekend. Jesse's niece, Kaylee, who was a flower girl with Mikaela, came as well. The girls had a great time together and were really good.

Sunday morning Tedra was able to start lunch for me and I was able to go with them to church. It certainly has been wonderful to experience more "good" days the past few weeks.

Over the last few days I have also had the opportunity to share with my family doctor, a salesperson and a nurse how the Lord has enabled me to keep focused on today - to live today unencumbered by the future. I can't describe the peace though. Only those who have experienced God's peace can possibly relate.

The wide range of support we have had in so many different ways has been SUCH a blesssing. It has certainly helped carry us through these long weeks.

Many have expressed that the blog has been encouraging to them. I hope you all realize that it is the Lord's strength in my weakness. So do be encouraged! His grace IS sufficient.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Day 81 - 87


This past weekend (Feb. 9 - 10) was the best I have felt since before Christmas. I felt well enough to go to church on Sunday. It was the first time I have been able to go in 2 months. I have to admit, as I began to sing the first song of praise I teared up. What privileges we take for granted. I attended the 9:00 am service and went home and rested. After the 2nd service, Scott called me and asked if I felt up to going out for lunch. I did. Two treats in one day! Actually, I had three treats in one day. I ordered french fries instead of baked potatoes. We don't eat fries very often anyway, but this is the first time in over 4 months. The highlight of the day occured as we were returning to the van. As you may recall, Sunday was an extremely windy day. Scott helped me to the van and stepped ahead to open the door. As I reached for the door for support, a strong gust of wind removed my "hair" and scooted it across the parking lot. Luckily another van was parked about 3 spaces over and stopped the frollicking wig. Otherwise, we might still be trying to track it down. Unfortunately, no one had a video camera. It was a great moment for a good laugh.


We went to Hamilton for the usual bloodwork and check-up with the doctor. I met with Dr. Susan Gudelis this time. She assists Dr. Tozer. The chemo is continuing to be effective. From the other test results that have come back, everything seems to be okay. I suspect my body is just reacting to all the chemicals that it is being subjected to. It appears that on the whole, taxol may be a little easier on me than the other 2 chemo drugs.

I also had an appointment with the radiation oncologist. The medical team's plan is that after the last chemo treatment, I am given a few weeks to recover and then I am scheduled for surgery. I will see Dr. Liaconis, the surgeon, Mar. 05. After surgery and another few weeks to heal, radiation treatments would begin - five times a week for 5 weeks. The van will probably be able to find its own way to Hamilton by then.


Andrea was able to take me to the Juravinski Centre for my 3rd taxol treatment.We were there for a little over 4 hours. Everything went well. I did develop the flush on my face and neck half way through the treatment, but it is probably a mild reaction to the steroid I have to take to prevent reaction to the taxol. This is the third time I have had the "flush" and it clears up in a couple of days with Benadryl. The worst part of that is the drowsiness from the Benadryl - nothing worth complaining about. Feb. 27 is scheduled to be the final chemo treatment.

It has been an "interesting" journey; one of the best parts has been exercising the discipline of resting in Him today. He provides the grace I need for today. He does not supply the grace I need for what I wonder about the future. That will come when it becomes today. You may have noticed that I state what the medical plan is. I do not take ownership of that plan because the plans for my future are in God's hands and ultimately, only He knows what tomorrow holds. What overwhelming peace and joy are ours when we train ourselves to rest in Him. Like physical exercise, refusing to mentally go down roads before we even come to the intersection takes time to develop, but as we make the choice and ask for His help to just trust Him, we become stronger. And like physical training, the exercise has to continue. I still have weak moments but am learning much more quickly to surrender to Him. If I am lacking peace, I am the one who robbed myself. Thank you again for your prayers. They carry me on my weak days.

Thursday, February 7, 2008

DAY 71 -80

The days following the second treatment of taxol have not been as challenging as the first time. The side effects have been similar but easier to control. I do find that there is a "heavy" weariness that settles on me for the first week compared to the other chemo. As the day goes on, my knees feel like they have turned to rubber. Now, a week after treatment, my strength is improving again.

Last weekend (Feb. 2-3), Tedra and Jesse were down. It was good to spend time with them and Brynn - our grand-doggy. Tedra has just returned to work. She still has some queasiness, but the vomiting has stopped. She has just hit the 13 week mark, and though she has lost weight from the "morning sickness" (that lasted all day) she is sporting a firm round belly. The guess-timated due date is Aug.13.

Andrea and Mikaela have not been well so some of the extra sunshine has been missing this week. I appreciate their concern for my well-being though. Mikaela is feeling better now and is coming over to spend a little time with us this evening.

Mikaela is not only our delight but makes the day for Great Grandpa with her visits. He seems to be adjusting to life at the John Noble Home. Unfortunately, I am not able to make any visits right now. It certainly is good to have him so close now.

I want to express my heartfelt appreciation to many of you who have dropped off food over these past several weeks. You'll never know how often those meals felt like "life-savers" - many times arriving when we were all feeling like our energy was spent. I am amazed to still be receiving cards assuring me that I am still in people's thoughts and prayers and that people still check out the blog despite my inability to keep it as up to date as I would like. Wherever my family go, people ask how we are doing. We are so blessed to have not only the Lord as our strength but such wonderful people holding us up and cheering us on.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Day 58 - 70


The days since my first taxol injection have been interesting and unpredictable to say the least. Here are some of the "highlights":
  • I developed a rosy flush on my face and neck. A couple of days on Benadryl (which meant a couple of days of sleeping) did the trick.
  • One day was quite uncomfortable with lower back and hip pain
  • After a couple of days of just not feeling well - nothing specific - my temperature rose quite high. The doctor prescribed an antibiotic.
  • Heart palpitations and a pulse rate of 120 that lasted over 2 hours lead to a day in Brantford General ER. A number of tests were done but no conclusions made.
  • Another spike in temperature while still on antibotics ended me back up in ER. Still no conclusions.


I have just returned from my check-up at the Juravinski Cancer Centre. Dr. Tozer believes that the temperature issue is caused from what is going on in the digestive tract lining. It is my understanding that these cells, like the hair, are fast growing and are therefore affected by chemo. What is happening won't respond to antibiotics but will correct itself. No more antibiotics. YAY! Another set of bloodwork was ordered. My poor little arms have quite an array of needle pricks. Thankfully, I have good veins. The doctor is ordering a Holter Monitor to check out the heart activity.

On the whole, with the exception of times of fatigue and a few temperature spikes, I am feeling quite well.

I have great appreciation for Dr. Tozer and all of the staff at the cancer centre. They are very thorough. How much more I want to express my gratefulness to a wonderful God. He is watching over me 24/7. I have been meditating recently on these principles. God is good. God's plans are for good. Therefore, I KNOW these days are producing GOOD that will bring glory to Him!

Blessings to each of you. I can't begin to express how it feels to belong to such an amazing, though vast and varied, family.

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Please be praying...

The last couple of weeks have been a struggle. For the 2nd time this week, mom is on her way up to the emergency department. She has a fever that continues to fluctuate as well as other various symptoms. We will try to update you soon. Please be praying...

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Day 57 - Taxol treatment #1

Mom and Dad drove to Hamilton first thing this morning for her 1st Taxol treatment. She told me that during the drive she could feel the prayers of many and experienced such an "overwhelming sense of peace and joy".

Mom was given some medication and then had to wait 45min before they could begin the Taxol treatment. Those meds were to help prevent an allergic reaction. When they began chemo, the nurses gave Mom the call button in case she began to experience ANY reactions. Shortly after they started, the hospital chaplain walked through the area. Dad spoke to her, so she came over and began chatting with them. Dad had to leave to move the van, so the chaplain stayed to keep Mom company while he was gone. After she left, Mom realized that the time had passed for the possibility of a reaction and she had experienced none!! The Benadryl made Mom sleepy so she napped off and on while she continued receiving Taxol. The entire procedure from start to finish took about 5 hours. Once she was finished chemo, she had enough strength to walk to the van but then couldn't wait to have a nap when she got home!

Tonight Mom is doing well - physically, emotionally and spiritually. She continues to walk this journey step by step knowing that her loving Heavenly Father protects her in the palm of His hand and thankful for the "family" that daily hold her up in prayer. Once again - thank you to so many of you for your many prayers. Never underestimate how powerful they are...we can feel them!!

We are continuing to believe for complete healing in Mom's body. In the meantime, God continues to show us His love and faithfulness and is teaching us in the midst of the storm. Even when we don't understand His ways or at times question His purposes, He never leaves us and always carries us through - day to day to day...

So in the words of Mikaela while praying tonite...
"Thank you God for grandma...and that she knows you...and we know she loves you. Make her feel better - take away the cancer and her chemo and all the bad stuff in her. Help her hair grow back and heal her so she can be normal again."



Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Catch Up Time...Day 56 - (Tues)

Guess it's about time I update the blog for mom and bring everyone up to speed. My apologies to so many of you who have been faithfully checking for updates...

This past week was a rough one. Mom had numerous struggles - her fever fluctuating up and down, vomiting, weakness, exhaustion - but as always, rarely a complaint.

Today mom, dad and I went to the Juravinski Clinic for the usual bi-weekly blood work and appointment with the oncologist. 2 weeks ago was mom's 4th and final treatment of AC (the 1st chemo cocktail). She is now halfway through her chemo treatments! At this point things appear to be progressing as expected so they will begin a new chemo drug tomorrow - Taxol. It will consist of 4 more treatments, given every other week. This means Feb 27th should be her last and final chemotherapy treatment!

With Taxol comes the possibility of new side effects. The doctors do not know how each person will react and so it's always an "unknown". However, we've been informed of the possibilities which may include an allergic reaction, musculoskeletal pain and sensory nerve damage which could cause permanent numbness/tingling in her hands and feet...not to mention a continued increase of weakness and fatigue. Because of the possibility of an allergic reaction, mom has to begin taking medication the day before chemo and continue it until the day after chemo. They will also give her additional medication the day of her treatment to help prevent a reaction. Tomorrow, being her first day to receive Taxol, they will keep a close eye on her to make sure she does not have a reaction. She has to be at the Juravinski clinic by 9:00AM and once the treatment begins, the process will be a minimum of 5 hours.

Please be praying that there will be no allergic reactions to Taxol and that the extreme side effects (ie pain and nerve damage) will not affect her in any way. Also pray for my dad while he tries to entertain himself at the clinic for 5 hours or more!! (any one who knows dad knows how easy that will be - haha) :-)

Once again, thank you for the wonderful support, prayers and many things so many of you have done for mom/dad and our family! We thank God for all of you and speak His MANY blessings over you and your families!


Monday, January 7, 2008

Day 47 & 48

I decided to write an update for mom. She intended on writing a couple of blogs a week but has found it difficult to find the energy.'re stuck with me!! :-D

Mom had her 4th chemo treatment last Wednesday (January 2nd). Usually, the 4th day after her treatment is her most difficult day...this was the case yet again on Sunday.

Her stomach pain and exhaustion level has increased with each chemo treatment. Yesterday was probably the worst day of pain she has had so far. But as always, mom was a trooper, never wanting to impose on anyone... so I "forced" my help on her :-) By Sunday evening, the pain was easing off and tiredness was her biggest complaint.

This morning on my way to work, I stopped in to see how mom was feeling. She was being served breakfast made by my dad (he's quite the cook now) and said she was feeling much better.

After work, I came back to the house and helped dad finish off supper (good salad dad...if you don't say so yourself haha)! Mom mentioned that she had a few enjoyable visits today with family/friends, for which she was thankful. She was feeling a little chilled so she decided to take her temperature and found that it was elevated. The cancer clinic has advised her that because her immune system has been compromised by chemo, she must be sure to watch for any sign of a fever which could indicate a virus or infection that her body would be unable to fight off. They have told her to call them whenever she has a fever of 100.5F (38C). By later this evening, her temperature had not come down so she decided to call the Juravinski clinic to find out what she should do. They told her that if it goes any higher or she becomes any worse tonight, she is to call the Brantford General Hospital and head up there immediately. After dad had called me, to let me know, and was about to hang up, I could hear mom in the background saying..."Tell her I'm fine - I'll be ok..." :-)

Mom's faith and courage is such an example to all of us. Many of you have expressed to us how encouraging this blog has been...and yes, she really has been as strong as she sounds in her blogs!!

Mom - I am so proud of you. For always thinking of everyone else and never wanting to impose...for always finding that little extra bit of energy for a smile (especially for your granddaughter)...for always wanting to end things on a "positive note" even when you feel like crap...and most of all for being such an amazing example of unwaivering faith in God even when things don't make sense...

Love you...
Andrea xo