Thursday, November 29, 2007

Day 9

Today, I feel so amazingly blessed!

As the first week has passed, I “feel” much better – still can’t do much, but it feels good to feel good. Though my tongue is constantly coated and flavours are affected, my appetite is not bad.

God’s people have been incredible – from family and friends to near strangers – I am sooo humbled by God’s love poured out through His people. Never underestimate how impacting your words and acts of kindness are!


Anonymous said...

I am so glad you are feeling a little better.
Your web page is is nice to hear how you are doing without calling to bug you or your family.
I pray you have little side effects as you go on this journey.
God be with you....watching over you every second of every minute of every day.
Lots of Love
Thinking of You
Lorin Struck and family XXXOOO

Anonymous said...

Hi Joy!
You are daily in my prayers as we believe God to hold you in the palm of His mighty Hand! You are a blessing and an encouragement, as is your blog.
By the stripes of Jesus, you were healed, and the blood of Jesus calls out "Healed", "Whole", "Complete"!
You are loved!
Merrirose Stone

Anonymous said...

i love hearing how great you're feeling!