Friday, November 30, 2007

Day 10

You can be very proud of me! Today I gave myself my first injection of Neupogen :-)

My energy level has been pretty good again today. I made a new recipe in the bread maker and a pot of soup. But that depleted my energy for the rest of the day.

Tedra (my youngest daughter) and her husband Jesse should be arriving momentarily...oh and I better not forget Brynn (their dog). I'm looking forward to spending the weekend with them. This will be their first visit since the wedding.


Valorosa said...

Wow that is an incredible feat ...
I think it would be really hard to stab yourself.

Gutsy good work :-)


Anonymous said...

Hi Joy,

Did I mention the other night that it was great soup?

It was awesome to see you in church today with Tedra and Jesse beside you. I couldn't help but look over at you during the service and see such hope and trust in God in your face. Keep "leaning" and He will be there to support you!!

Love you!! God Bless


Rose J said...

Hi Joy. I just wanted to let you know that I was very happy to see you today. I know it was short and sweet. But it was still very nice to see you. I hope the cd I gave you works well. You are always in my prayers. I am also so glad that you are leanign on Jesus at this time. I know that he will bring you through anything you may face. And I can see him shine through you. Have I told you how proud of you I am ? .... you are a great blessing. Love ya lots. xoxo