Sunday, May 11, 2008

Day 174 Another Turn in the Road

Radiation treatments are completed now. No more daily trips to Hamilton!!! The team of individuals who have worked with me at the Juravinski Centre are incredible.

Bone scan results came back this week and are very suspicious. I have been referred back to the Medical Oncologist. Scott and I went to see him on Friday. Because the results are not definite enough, I will be booked for CT scan and MRI over the next 2 or 3 weeks. Surgery, which was scheduled for May 30, has again been postponed. Interesting how surgery keeps getting postponed, eh? I commented to Scott on Friday, as we made our way to Hamilton, that the words we hear the doctor speak are words spoken from human understanding but there is One who alone knows exactly what is going on and what is about to unfold. I rest securely in the hands of my omniscient (all-knowing) and omnipotent (all-powerful) God.


lyn said...

So glad your treatments are finally over Joy. I think of you each day and pray for peace to be yours in the midst of (our)uncertainty (not His!). It's good to know you're secure in the hands of the One who profoundly loves you!

Valorosa said...

That IS interesting. ;-)
Praying for you

Anonymous said...

Hi Joy, We are still lifting you up in prayer and we know that there is God who holds a greater power then any doctor may have.
Continue to lean and trust in Jesus. May he continue to be your strength. I am very happy that your treatments are over and I am so thankful that Jesus continues to hold your hand.
I love ya. xoxo

Anonymous said...

Keep your eyes on Jesus and not on the symptoms around and in you. God is in control and Jesus intercedes for His children all the time as He sits at the right hand of the Father as noted in Romans 8:34 You are in our thoughts and prayers,Aimo and Irene