Thursday, June 26, 2008


I really need your prayer support right now. I am struggling to keep pain under control. I have been on 3 different medications over the past week and nothing quite works. Please pray with me for divine intervention.


Anonymous said...

joy i will keep praying for you and that the pain settles down and that god will intervene and heal you I am real sorry that you are in a lot of pain as you do not need that as you are a real beautiful lady and i love you and Scott please keep up your positive thoughts and i will do my end to help if you need anything please just call Love Eva

Anonymous said...

fervently praying for you and thinking of you often..

lots of love,
Roxy and James (from Oshawa0

Dave Carrol said...

We're with ya Joy.

This really just sucks... but God's big and Krissy and I will continue to hard go in prayer.

Anonymous said...

"Behold, I am the LORD, the God of all flesh; is anything too difficult for me?" Jeremiah 29:27(NASB). May He grant you peace, stength and courage for today. We love you lots but HE LOVES YOU MORE!!!! Rhonda

Anonymous said...

We will continue to pray for you and God's intervention in this whole thing. We love you and your family. One thing I do know is that God is right by your side...

Dave and Angie Pulsifer

Valorosa said...

Lord, grant relief amd healing ... nothing is too great for you ... This is an impossible thing for us Lord, but for you nothing is impossible.
Holy Spirit of God who lives in Joy, move through her and make her body completely whole.

Do not allow this loved mother and grandmother to be taken now. She is still needed.

In Jesus precious name

Thank you Lord for your love toward us.

Anonymous said...

Joy....we're praying!!!

Rachel & Bram

Anonymous said...

We are believing that help is on the way.....
The Lord does not ignore the cries of his people but hears us.
I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills
from whence comes my help?
My help comes from the Lord, the maker of heaven and earth.

Is there some way I can help you?
Something I can do?
meals, house keeping, gardening???

Cori-Beth said...

We're all praying for you here. Stay strong!


Anonymous said...

Father in Heaven, I know you are listening and you know all things. Please relieve the pain that Joy is experiencing in these tough times. Please give the medical staff the wisdom to make the right decisions for pain relief, future quality of life. Lord we ask these things in Jesus name and ask that you bless Joy in every way.