Many of you have been looking for an update - I apologize for not posting one sooner. Mom hasn't had the energy to do much of anything, other than sleep :-) So, I'll do my best to fill in the details of the last couple of weeks...
The cancer that has spread to mom's hip and lower back (metastatic disease) is causing her a great amount of pain. She has spent the last few weeks adjusting and readjusting her meds trying to get some comfort and relief. We take turns heating up her two trusty beanbags that she keeps on her hip and leg which also bring some comfort. The pain continues to increase every few days which then means another readjustment to her meds. Last week, she had an appointment with the pain management control team from Juravinski. They re-evaluated her pain level and made some new adjustments to her drug regimen. This seems to have helped somewhat, but her pain still continues to be uncontrolled at times. There is no "cure" for metastatic disease. The only thing that can been offered to her are drugs to help prolong and enhance her quality of life.
Mom has also been very pale and tired. Some of this can be attributed to the pain medication she has been taking, but after some blood work they've discovered that her hemoglobin is low. This means she needs a blood transfusion. Today she went to the hospital for the preliminary appointment. She will be receiving the blood transfusion tomorrow (Thursday) which will take most of the day. Please remember her in prayer during that time.
It is difficult watching a wife, mother, grandmother, family member and friend suffer. And yet, her unwavering faith and confidence in a God who loves her more than any of us can, encourages us to press forward and trust the One who holds her safely in the palm of His hand. Mom continues to allow God to lead and guide her in EVERY decision she makes and holds firm to the hope in her Lord and Saviour, Jesus.
Please do not hesitate to ask us any questions you may have. We will do our best to reply to them :-)