Monday, December 31, 2007

Day 40 and 41 (Dec. 30 & 31)

The weekend was busy and enjoyable. Several friends stopped by for short visits. Some, from out of town, took time, while in the area, to check in on us. As Sunday progressed, so did my energy. It was one of my best days in a while. The 30th was Scott's birthday. We ordered in Chinese food from China King. Mmmm. Whether it was special for him or not, it sure hit the spot for me - a little cheat from the normal diet. :)

Tonight is New Year's Eve. It will be a quiet one for me. 2007 was a very eventful year for us. Many paths were not of my own choosing, but God never failed in any circumstance to make me aware of His presence.

2008 is here. May it be filled with many blessings. . . Watch for them! Some of the best ones are disguised.


Humbled by His favour,


Valorosa said...


lyn said...

Happy New Year and peace to you and your family Joy!